Monday, December 27, 2010

Warmachine: Khador Comfort Zone

I've been playing warmachine for about a year now and I began to fall into a list slump. I would always field one of two lists and didn't really want to branch out because of money or my "Comfort Zone". I either used Karchev with heavy jacks or ESorscha with winterguard spam. Latly though I was fortunate to buy some used models and trade off some excess gaming crap for credit. So I just started ordering up Khador models and I put together the following 25 pt list

Greylord Ternion
Doom Reavers + UA
IronFang Pikemen (min)
Great Bears

Holy crap! I've never had such an in your face list before. I am currently 4-1 with it and loving it. My one loss was to a tight menoth list that had Avatar/Kreoss/Cleansers/jacks, it was a natural counter to my list but still a fun match. At first I almost didn't want to field the UA on the Doom Reavers but I've found out that with advance deploy they are usualy the first in the battle and I tend to use them as jammers alot. I am not completely sold on the IronFangs but I don't see a good replacement as they are kinda my buffer/second wave unit. The Greylords have been awesome for 3 out of the 5 games and still weren't bad the other 2, they help the brick advance versus non-aoe ranged and helped mop up tarpits quicker.

Lastly with Signs and Portents, Drago's affinity, plus free charge/run I don't ever have to allocate focus unless I have a REALLY hard target.

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